Evanford1992 wrote:
ktmrfs wrote:
Evanford1992 wrote:
Replying to ScottG, I am not very good with electrical problems so how would I determine if it was an exterior outlet that got wet and tripped versus the GFCI just going bad?
She was using the blow dryer amd microwave as it blew which makes me think it was something going bad rather than water outside the rv although it was raining last night.
microwave in 99%+ cases is NOT tied to the GFI circuit. If it is the microwave is wired against NEC code. Microwave should be on it's own dedicated circuit.
So, the only load on the GFI outlet was the hair dryer.
Now GFI are known to fail, have had them fail before. but with it being wet outside, could also be the outside outlet. I don't know of an easy way to detmine if it is the GFI or outside outlet being wet.
I have never opened, nor have I used the outside outlet so I am going to work on determining power from the house as well as disconnecting the GFCI.
even if you have never used or opened the cover on the outside outlet doesn't mean it doesn't have moisture.
If you were getting power from the house, my guess is you popped a breaker in the house. Max current allowed under NEC code to a duplex outlet is 20A, many are wired to 15A circuit with a hair dryer and microwave running you are definitely over 20A, So unless you are hooked to a dedicated 30A outlet in the house, check your house breaker panel.