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ACZL's avatar
Dec 17, 2018

Global Window feature

Got a text from my son this past Sat afternoon telling me that both front windows were down on the truck and it sat in driveway all day long!!! Like how the heck and wth ? Wife did some research and found that there is a feature which allows you to put your windows down (and in some cases up) using your key fob. This was Sat night, so 1st thing Sun morn we tried it and sure enough, both windows went down! Won't go back up un less you use the window controls in truck. Read the manual and saw where this feature can be turned off using the info button on steering wheel. Turned this thing off right away.

As to who did it remains a mystery. But wanted to let others know you may want to check to see if you have it (if you didn't know) and accidentally open the windows. Although this is on a Ford, will assume it's on other makes as well.
  • This must be what happened to a new Tundra I saw a couple weeks ago.
    Brand new truck in a parking lot, spittin rain out a little, ALL windows including the back cab window were 100% down.
  • DownTheAvenue wrote:
    ACZL wrote:
    Wife did some research...Read the manual and saw where this feature can be turned off using the info button on steering wheel. Turned this thing off right away.

    It is amazing how much information can be found in the owner's manual. It is even more amazing how many people never read it!

    I figure it is the one page "Getting to Know" supplement if it is important.
  • ACZL wrote:
    Wife did some research...Read the manual and saw where this feature can be turned off using the info button on steering wheel. Turned this thing off right away.

    It is amazing how much information can be found in the owner's manual. It is even more amazing how many people never read it!
  • Ford normally disables the feature on USA-spec vehicles, but all of them down to the Fiesta are capable. Just takes a friendly dealer to turn it on, or DIY using FORSCAN.
  • my old silverado and new denali have the "window down" feature. You can enable/disable it through the setup menu. Is nice on a hot day to get the air moving before you get in.

    The nicest feature on my silverado aftermarket webasto sunroof was the feature that closed the sunroof 15 seconds after the ignition was turned off. Wish my denali factory sunroof had that feature. If you hit the tilt or open button on the aftermarket sunroof before the 15 seconds it would then remain in that position.
  • My Dodge Charger had remote window down only, using the fob. my Ram Outdoorsman had remote window up and down, through the fob or online with the app.

    Neither would actually tell you what state the windows were in though.
  • I had an '09 Dodge Journey R/T where I read on the Journey forum about this feature. I think it was press the unlock button twice on the key fob, and on the 2nd press hold the button down. Sure enough both front windows went down. Was handy on a hot day getting out of work. I scoured the owners manual and there was not a word about it. I've tried it on subsequent vehicles and none of them had this feature. Too bad.
  • My '03 VW would close all the windows and sunroof if you held the lock button on the remote and would open all of them if you held the unlock button. It would do the same with the key by holding it in a position. Your setup sounds similar. This was handy to close up the car when multiple windows were open or to open the car up when it was hot to let it release heat quicker.