Forum Discussion

jnsloth's avatar
Aug 07, 2017

Hallmark Guanella fresh water drain

Have 2016 Hallmark Guanella pop top camper. Can't figure out how to drain fresh water tank w/o going through entire winterization process. Anyone know how to do that? Water is tasting stale since it hasn't been drained since last winter. I just keep adding when it gets low. Figured I would drain and add fresh. I did install filter last year. Maybe that just needs replacing but would like to figure to how to drain the tank anyway.
  • towpro wrote:
    4 bucks, in a bottle made to pore into tank, that fits in my cabinet, that don't make suds when I mix it with water. I don't mind not using bleach

    I have one of those bottles too. I refilled it with a couple tablespoons of bleach and distilled water. I never get any 'suds' from bleach, Maybe your water is
  • He asked:
    jnsloth wrote:
    Have 2016 Hallmark Guanella pop top camper. Can't figure out how to drain fresh water tank w/o going through entire winterization process. Anyone know how to do that?

    not how to sanitize the tank.
  • 4 bucks, in a bottle made to pore into tank, that fits in my cabinet, that don't make suds when I mix it with water. I don't mind not using bleach
  • drain both tank and hot water heater (Make sure hot water heater is off first).
    follow the procedure for sterilizing your RV water ssytem (fill, clorox, wait, drain, flush, its on internet)

    than refill, but add camco drinking water freshener every time you add water. its like 1 oz per 20 gallons so a bottle goes a little ways.

    this really does cut down on the mold that grows in your system which causes the taste and smell

    I use it in my 5er that sits with water in it from April - November (I have to delver water to this camper as the site does not have a well)

    I also use it in my pickup camper all summer because you never know when its going to sit for a week or 3.