Forum Discussion

Cannon_George's avatar
May 16, 2015

HAM Radio Antenna Advice?

This thread likely to be moved; but posting here first because Truck Campers are usually first (and often the best) to offer knowledgeable advice.

I use 2m/70cm, but plan to buy and add RV (mobile) FM/UHF/HF rig. I want to work 40m and 80m, and especially NVIS. (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave) So looking for a campsite field-deployable dipole (camper ladder mounted?) but also wire feeds to grade to support NVIS operation. Open to vertical polarization as well but NVIS is the real goal.

Looking for antenna recommendations, thoughts? I usually camp in desert with no trees around. Looking for lightweight, easy deployable options. Thoughts?

Also shopping for new mobile HF radio, another thread.

Thank you!
  • This system would fit your requirements, no trees needed, antenna wires
    are the supports, mast is the coax feed line. You need a tuner.
    Very portable, used by the Military.

    AS-2259 antenna system

    Good description of sending e-mail in the middle of no where with no
    cell, satcomm or Landline availability.

    Gee there is even some Morse Code to listen to on the video....

  • My 2 meter/440 antenna is in a fender mount. I don't bother with mobile HF but if I did, I'd bring a ladder line doublet cut for the longest band and get it up as high as possible. NVIS will work if it's lower.
  • when I had my Northstar TS1000 popup it had a rear storage bumper. to this I mounted a Hustler vertical antenna and ran 3 different bands. 15-20-40 meters.
    ran a 2 meter mounted to the front bumper of the truck.
  • Cannon George wrote:
    This thread likely to be moved; but posting here first because Truck Campers are usually first (and often the best) to offer knowledgeable advice. ...

    Thanks for your confidence in the TC Forum. Actually, there are lots of knowledgeable members on all of the RV.NET forums.

    I can see your question being of interest to TC'ers due to probably more likely to be in remote areas that having a Ham radio would be of interest. I will leave your Thread here for now, but will probably move it tomorrow to the Technology Corner Forum for more exposure. Should I forget, please send me a PM reminder.

  • The packtenna looks interesting. When I back packed I used a J pole made out of 300 ohm twin lead then fed with RG58 coax for 2 meters. Used a sling shot to put it up into a tree.
  • Thanks, forum! Not even an hour has gone by and very good information has already come in! I am on an information quest and this forum provides a "jump start" for discovery...

  • A good antenna for fixed RV would be an OCF dipole i.e. OCF Windom cut for 40 meters but will tune to all frequencies 40 and above. On the road a ladder mounted antenna seems to work very well. I could furnish more info if you PM me. 73s AC6CV
  • Take a look at. Packtenna

    This is kit oriented towards hiking/ backpacking but works really well for RVers also.