Forum Discussion

tralertrash's avatar
Jun 13, 2014

Hand or Foot?

Just got back from a 12 day trip and had a few toilet troubles. Leak at the back below the rim, seal not holding water, scratched blade. Parts are over $60, so looking at replacing. I see foot and hand operated models, ours is hand, so is there a preference? Any advantage to one or another? thanks
  • I've done the cleaning thing, I think a previous owner maybe had it jam and tried prying it with something sharp, it has deep scratches. As for the seal, I've tried flexing the rubber seal, added Vaseline as a sealant, it works for a few uses then slowly leaks out, I think the scratches in the blade have damaged the seal. anyway the seal, blade, valve, floor gasket, come to almost $70 and a new V model is $120 including shipping, seems silly to keep the old and invest the labor.
  • the seal not holding water and the scratched blade may need nothing but cleaned with something like CLR… the scratch is most likely in calcium build-up on the blade…

    Once cleaned allow the blade to snap back from partially open a few times and it will most likely work like new again… most of these repairs are done but most of the time unnecessary…

    Once cleaned and holding water the leak should be a easy repair…
  • I too, had both styles and prefer the foot because I don't like bending down to flush. Also my young kids have a hard time flushing the hand type because you have to pull fairly hard. Just my two sense!
  • the hand is a little less problematic than the cable operated foot control model…
    I don’t mind using the hand so will be the minority vote for the hand and prefer it to the foot operated…
  • Agree with old guy; I prefer foot operated. Yes, they can be touchy, but it doesn't take too long to find the "sweet spot".
  • Like the television remote those foot controls are insidiously addictive. When I get back to sticks and bricks after a long outing I find myself stamping on the floor in front the lou.

    Foot control all the way. It'll make you wonder why your home's toilet doesn't have one.
  • had them both and prefer the foot model. hand model you have to bend over to fill the bowl and you somethines get a face full of smell you don't want to get. only thing I do not like about the foot model is the valve is touchy when trying to fill the bowl. the flap keeps opening and the water goes right down the tube