Make sure you inspect the wiring all the way from the drive motor all the way back to the controller. Look for damage to the wiring and feel the harness for where there could be breaks in the wire or where the manufacturer put in splices in the wire.
You could have a short in the windings of the motor - but you could also have bad wiring going between the controller and the motor.
I got messed up on one of my jacks due to a bad splice. The wire from the motor one the jack was connected to two wires with wire nuts. Then 6" down that wire they had spliced the wire again and covered the entire length with electrical tape down to where the plug goes into the back of the camper. The splice they had hidden with tape (and it was a horrible splice) was hidden well and was causing me problems to the point I thought I had a bad motor. I found the bad splice only after a very close inspection of the cable.
If you have a volt/ohm meter and know how to use it, test the wiring first. If you dont have a meter or dont know how to use it, find a friend who knows how to do low voltage electrical work and have him help you test it. It might just save you the cost of buying something you dont need.