Forum Discussion

girlsma's avatar
May 15, 2013

help with water pump problem

We winterized last fall, put antifreeze in dry tank and put pump on and antifreeze shot out of city water inlet. To bypass this for the purpose of winterizing I disconnected water pump outlet and hooked up city water line into pump.
Now this spring I turned pump on and everything flowed through inside pipes fine so I reconnected system the correct way and put water on to start dewinterizing. Well everything was fine but now when the city water is hooked up and left on water is backing out on the outside of camper and leaking all over outside. If I disconnect city water line then trailer water shoots out the city water inlet and empties trailer water lines. I don't know what is going on.
  • Chuck_S wrote:
    Remove the little screen and push the button hidden underneath a few times to free it's motion. Should cure the check valve problem. If not it's replaceable.

    I've given up on the little rubber cover and have a solid, screw in plug on our fresh water inlet. Solves both problems.

    Putting antifreeze in the fresh water tank is a poor procedure. For starters this tank is never completely empty so you're pumping diluted antifreeze into the system and this "tasteless" antifreeze ain't tasteless. Your water will taste "pink" all next season.

    -- Chuck

    What he said. These things are cheap, if it were mine I would just replace it. I picked up clear tubing from the hardware store and dis connect the inlet side of the pump, hook the tubing to it and pump straight from the bottle. Quick and easy.
  • Remove the little screen and push the button hidden underneath a few times to free it's motion. Should cure the check valve problem. If not it's replaceable.

    I've given up on the little rubber cover and have a solid, screw in plug on our fresh water inlet. Solves both problems.

    Putting antifreeze in the fresh water tank is a poor procedure. For starters this tank is never completely empty so you're pumping diluted antifreeze into the system and this "tasteless" antifreeze ain't tasteless. Your water will taste "pink" all next season.

    -- Chuck
  • We have had this trailer for 3 years now, does the valve go bad after awhile?
  • There is a one way valve on the city water inlet. It isn't working. Maybe you can remove screen and jiggle it a bit, or you can replace valve, or as said above just screw a hose shutoff on to city water inlet. We added a shutoff on our last TT for that reason, worked great for years. Sold it that way too.
  • You obvioulsy do not have a non reversing intake valve on the inlet for the water. Just buy an external one that screws into the inlet just like a hose does. Then hook hose to it's female end.