I believe it. I had that problem on my Six Pac.
I got locked into the camper somehow. I forget exactly why or how. I think I locked it then shut myself in for the night, then couldn't get out in the morning, as I remember it. Anyhow, I ended up going out the escape hatch, I think, and opening it from the outside.
I did take apart the lock and check it out. Something was worn out or malfunctioned. I don't remember how I fixed it, but I did fix it, so it would never happen again, and it didn't.
I remember thinking, if there had been some kind of emergency situation, say a fire or gas leak, coupled also with some other kind of unrelated physical injury at the same time, like a broken leg or something, such that I couldn't get out the escape hatch, I'd have had to bust out a window and jump out, which might not be possible, if I wasn't able to get out the escape hatch first...
Yeah, it's pretty important to be sure the only door in the camper does in fact work reliably, from inside or out, at all times.
Glad you got out!