First trip with our Ready Brake. So far about 2500 miles from BC down through Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Arizona. I think I picked the steepest roads. No issues with the tow other than I use more diesel on the hilly roads. I wired up a monitor that lights up an LED on the dash when the Jeep’s brake switch is activated. I saw it come on briefly once on a steep downhill when I downshifted aggressively with the exhaust brake on.
The surge brake does exactly what it should do once adjusted. Having the LED monitor makes the adjustment easier. It comes with a monitor switch on the surge brake to drive an LED but I wanted to know what the Jeep brake pedal was doing so I drive it from the brake switch.
I use a 12” 2.5” to 2” extension plus a 4” hitch riser (which has an additional 7” of extension) and I don’t have any lateral chains as that won’t work with the riser. If I can do some suspension work to eliminate the need for the riser then I may get a 16” or so extension made up with provision for lateral chains. Right now there is no way to anchor the chains on my 2014 Ram either. It doesn’t feel like the Jeep is wiggling back there but who knows. Well I guess the people following me know. I bought a clamp to attach my GoPro to the back of the camper ladder so I’ll know what’s going on when I start back to BC.
I also use an NSA De-Rattler at every hitch transion to stiffen the vertical play.