Teagan's Camper: I've had my Mammoth for 16 months after switching from an Arctic Fox 1150. The Fox was heavy, but the Mammoth is heavier by almost 500 lbs. I would ignore the "As Built" weight listed on the tag and go to a public scale and pay a few bucks and weigh the truck with and without the camper. Load the camper as you would for your average trip and make sure to fuel up before scaling. I think you'll find that you're weight to be between 5600 and 5800 lbs. As for the suspension, I installed upper and lower Torque Lift Stable loads along with Firestone airbags and Bilstein 5100 shocks all the way around. I'm now installing a new suspension system after discovering that the airbags point load the frame increasing the chance of a frame crack. The new suspension has a completely different spring pack set up along with different rear shocks. Not only will I eliminate the potential for frame cracking, but I'll also eliminate the sagging that bothers my eye. The downside is the lousy ride that I'll get with the new suspension although I don't use the truck without the camper. The Dana Spicer 80 that comes in my F-350 DRW is rated by Dana at 11,000 lb capacity but de-rated by Ford to 8,000 due to the dopes out there that don't consider the tire capacity. Anyway, be careful who you believe and check each component prior to committing the dollars. I'm going the F550 with a custom box next year and that's a major (and final) financial commitment. I honestly wish the TC manufacturers would impart a bit more accurate info on their camper weights and suggested hauling trucks.