Forum Discussion

hedgehopper's avatar
Mar 12, 2018

How to adjust Northern Lite drawer

The drawer beneath the oven in our 2005 Northern Lite 10-2 CD comes open during travel. Any tips on how to adjust it?
  • Responding to my email to the Northern Lite factory, Keith Donkin wrote, “You need to adjust the drawer guides so the drawer drops down slightly when closed and you have to lift up before you pull it out.” By looking at the other drawers that work OK, I figured out how to do this by moving the drawer guides a fraction of an inch.

    Thanks RKB for your offer of drawer guides.
  • The drawer slides on my 9-6 QSE are made by King Slides. They have a non-adjustable detent tab (grey plastic) that is advertised as 10lb.

    My best guess is that one of two things is going on: 1) The drawer front is not closing completely, or the outer half of slide is not installed flush with face of cabinet, not allowing the locking tabs to seat, 2) the plastic tab is worn out. Odds are on first.

    If you do need new slides, let me know, I just got done replacing mine with new longer ones (and bigger drawer box).
  • The drawers on the Bigfoot have catches located centre back bottom of drawer. One of them broke two years ago, and drawer wouldn't stay closed, then wouldn't shut all the way. RV dealer in Whitehorse had them in stock.Easy fix. 4 screws or less out , same screws back in.
  • I am not sure if there is an adjustment but this has not happened on mine yet. Every drawer in my camper almost locks shut about the last 1/4 inch you push it in. In fact, you have to give them a pretty good pull to get them open. Maybe they loosen up over time? Not sure but if you find out there is an adjustment do post it here for us NL owners.
    I do know you can email Northern Lite and they are very good about getting back to you. Keith and his team have been very responsive to me in the past.
  • Don’t know what kind of slide it has but if it’s the cheaper white ones it sounds like the drawer front is contacting the cabinet before the wheel on the slide is in the indent. Try to adjust the slide attached to drawer back.