way2roll wrote:
larry cad wrote:
Also, don't forget we have to keep cranking up those horrible carbon emitting power plants in order to create sufficient electricity to power those wonderful EV machines.
This. I get that electric motors are really efficient at producing a lot of power and zero lag. Lower emissions sure, but power/energy is never lost, it's just converted or transferred. To produce power to charge EV's and manufacture them you still need power plants. You need infrastructure. The raw materials to manufacture the batteries are hardly eco friendly and there is no long term plan on how to dispose of the batteries at the end of their life.
EV's are great, don't get me wrong, but the entire process from manufacture to disposal needs to be vetted. Current state it's a bit of smoke and mirrors. Ooh look a new EV that does this and that. Don't look behind the curtain about how it's made or what to do with all the waste and the environmental impact from harvesting raw materials.
No wants to discuss the environmental impact and if you mention this you are chastised for not being a team player. Even major newspaper will not publish any letters that are negative on green energy LA Times. I think we need a open and honest discussion not just one sided opinion.