westend wrote:
Currently (at least yesterday) RVnet would not insert images from Photobucket.com. I had to use the Woodall's portal to insert an image. There is a thread in the "Technical Help" section of the Forum about this issue.
The RV.Net portal can handle Photobucket.com pictures that don't have spaces in the pictures title, when uploaded.
That is, a picture named
my picture.jpg could have trouble. A pictured named
mypicture.jpg will not. For whatever reason, the (normal) RV.Net portal cannot process % symbols and Photobucket.com chances spaces to the ascii codes %20.
There are other characters that the (normal) RV.Net portal cannot process, but they are characters that one does not normally use, such as, smart quotes.
There are several workarounds. The easies, I believe is to use the Woodall's portal.
Other workarounds,
Force the RV.Net portal to use the secured server; that is, insert
https:// in front of the URL as in this tutorial by moderator 1492
Or replace the %20's with spaces. For example, a pictured named
my picture.jpg will appear on Photobucket.com as
my%20picture.jpg. Once the URL is in your post, replace each %20 with a space.