smoke20 wrote:
I've only used my t/c a few times in in cold outdoor temps but every time I have I've had trouble keeping temperature regulated or evenly distributed.
While at a local campground this weekend the temp was 28 degrees friday night and about 38 degrees Saturday night. My camper is insulated and has a propane furnace with a wall mounted t-stat and I also carry a tower style electric heater which I use mainly be cause I have shore power at the campground and why burn propane if I don't have to. But this past weekend as with cold trips before I can't keep the camper comfortable in the bunk at nite. its roasting up their or too cold it seems I can't find a happy medium. I kept the t-stat set on about 70 deg and the the electric heater only has two settings high and low... high is too hot and low was to cold. It does the same thing on jus the propane furnace alone too.
I feel like its an air flow problem and was jus wondering if any body else experiences this and what I could do about it. I also have a doutherm rooftop a/c unit so I could turn the fan on low (a/c off of course) and maybe it would circulate the air better? Also thought about putting a "heat strip" in it because its says its capable for one but I read some stuff about Dometic saying not use a heat strip due to a fire hazard with plastic cover.
I think you should get better electric heater,such as those small ceramic ones,
I have one and its thermostat works perfectly,with unlimited amount of setings and is quiet too..I keep it close enough to reach from the bed and adjust the seting if it gets too warm..
I also have Espar and at its lowest setting keeps the TC just right in any temps,as I have R-10 insulation everywhere..
its one darn expensive heater but really worth it as its uses very little diesel and power..