Agree on checking the CG rules. When they say "Do Not Leave Pets Unattended" that may or may not include being inside. Would really make for a bad weekend to arrive back at the site only to have the ranger tell you that they've had complaints and you need to move on.
Our beloved Sam was as close to perfection as we'll ever see. He lived to be with his family and to camp. But on that very slim outside chance that he got spooked or just anything unforeseen happened, we couldn't be 100% sure he'd behave perfectly, so he was never left alone. Another consideration is that should the power in the CG overload and go out, your TT could get awfully hot awfully quick. I know dealing with pets and camping is a problem, especially when you consider the cost of boarding a couple of pets, but if there is any way you can arrange it so that they will not be left alone, I think you'll all be much happier.