We tried a dog boarding place near our CG on the weekend for the first time. The one and only time we left him alone inside our TT, he ruined the screen door while we were down at the clubhouse. Since then we've never left him alone inside. I've now bought lexan to replace the screens in our new TT. We've usually left him back home with a friend of ours who boards and trains dogs but there's times when we take him with us but want to go do some shopping.
The boarding place was $5 an hour and it was great for him and for us. He got to spend a few hours with some other nice dogs. He got a summer time clip while there too. Happy dog, happy dog owners....
Now, the next trick is to train him to stay off the queen bed while camping. We still both have aches and pains from the 3 of us being so cramped up. He's smarter than he looks, lol - he jumps up around 4-5 am and thinks we won't notice. :R