Forum Discussion

32vld's avatar
Aug 22, 2020

Is it safe to use truck camper on jack stands

Thinking about becoming a truck camper.
Would it be feasible to separate the truck camper from the pickup truck
and setting up the truck camper on it's jack stands and live in the camper at the

I can see the advantage where you will be at campground for a week and be able to
drive around without having to haul the camper.
  • Not an issue. We do it whenever we are going to be in one place for more than a few days.
  • I have, for the reason you mentioned. It's nice to be able to tootle around w/o the elephant on your back :B
    Just make sure you lower it down to it's lowest height. Think of the legs like levers. Shortest lever exerts the least leverage on the jack mounts. You can also get 4 of those Aluminum jack stands pretty cheap. Use a forstner bit to drill holes in a 2x6 to fit the heads of the stands in and set the camper down on these.(have these jacks height adjusted to just a bit higher than the lowest your camper jacks go. Just put a bit of pressure on the Al. stands. This will help take some more of the wiggle out. Or
    And make sure you're allowed to take it off. Some campgrounds, run by blue-haired Nazis, don't allow "those types" to be removed from the truck.....:M
  • But at the same time, it can be nice to take it with. You have everything with you. Meals, toilet, nappy time, change room. Nice to leave it to, when boondocking to save your spot.
    Just be sure you match your truck to the TC. In most cases, get a 1 ton and be done. Going big, dually's the rig.
  • Been doing it for decades....4 screw jacks supporting 2 2x6 under the belly and the main jacks, and she's solid as a rock.

  • That's one of the big advantages of a TC over a MH. I used to take the camper off so I could launch and retrieve the boat with just the truck.
    Also, some amusement parks charge more for parking for a MH than a truck. I took the camper off at the campground before driving to the amusement park and saved substantially on parking.
    Make sure you get a camper with electric jacks and a wireless remote control. It makes the loading and unloading process a lot easier.
  • That's one of the big advantages of a TC over a MH. I used to take the camper off so I could launch and retrieve the boat with just the truck.
    Also, some amusement parks charge more for parking for a MH than a truck. I took the camper off at the campground before driving to the amusement park and saved substantially on parking.
    Make sure you get a camper with electric jacks and a wireless remote control. It makes the loading and unloading process a lot easier.
  • mountainkowboy wrote:
    Been doing it for decades....4 screw jacks supporting 2 2x6 under the belly and the main jacks, and she's solid as a rock.

    I would of never thought that using planks and jacks in addition to the truck camper's
    jack stands. Thank you for sharing.
  • 32vld wrote:
    mountainkowboy wrote:
    Been doing it for decades....4 screw jacks supporting 2 2x6 under the belly and the main jacks, and she's solid as a rock.

    I would of never thought that using planks and jacks in addition to the truck camper's
    jack stands. Thank you for sharing.

    Concrete blocks work for storing at home, if you want to keep the nice aluminum jacks for out in public. :B That's what I do. Two blocks stacked each corner and a 2x6, north/south at the edges of the bottom.
  • 32vld wrote:
    mountainkowboy wrote:
    Been doing it for decades....4 screw jacks supporting 2 2x6 under the belly and the main jacks, and she's solid as a rock.

    I would of never thought that using planks and jacks in addition to the truck camper's
    jack stands. Thank you for sharing.

    thanks, I carry them everywhere