Forum Discussion

bkenobi's avatar
Mar 09, 2019

Is there a market for used jacks?

I had someone bump me while parked last year doing some damage to the truck and camper. The point of impact was the bumper and drivers rear jack. After repair, everything was fine with the camper and truck...except the jack system. They did not replace anything jack related (other than the bracket) because it appeared straight. After around a year of working with the shop, camper mfg, jack mfg, and back to insurance I just got word that both rear Jacks will be replaced.

Happijac doesn't make the 4150 anymore, so I'm replacing both rear Jacks with 4220. The on jack binds slightly with the last few inches retracting but the other is perfect.

Is there a market for used jacks? I could scrap them, but I'd rather them find some use if it could help someone out.

TL;DR: I had a bad jack so am replacing both rears. Is there a market for used jacks? Happijac 4150.
  • As to selling jacks, I have been looking unsuccessfully for manual jacks for my old TC. It is the old kind that you pump up, and although they do work for the first half of lifting, I neither trust them, nor do they quite go high enough anymore to clear my Ram's back end. The last time I almost had a tip in the front as the wind here in the desert gusts un expectedly ! I even thought about trying to rebuild them with new o-rings, and seals, but was told it is a 50-50 propositon that they ever work again.
  • The fronts and backs are different on NL campers. The new and old backs use the same screw mechanism, but I doubt I'd use any parts from the old one. I'm familiar with the CL types and that's why I was asking to avoid them if there's no market.
  • There is a market for everything. If on craigslist be prepared for lowball offers and dumb questions.
  • I'd thro them on Craigslist. Lots of TCs new and old a round here and I bet the rear jacks are the ones most commonly getting bumps and bruises.
    They also last longer I'd bet since they carry less weight than the fronts.
  • I think they would be difficult to sell since you don't have the full set and one of the two you have is damaged. I would just keep them for salvage parts if you have problems with one of the front jacks. I assume the heads at least are interchangeable front to rear.

    But, as soon as you throw them away you will read someone's post needing just one jack.
