DanLevitan wrote:
Yes the rear mounts only had the upper portion. I can see where I would have benefitted from having the lower mounts too. Also check out this picture of the twisted swinging bracket. Its pretty gnarly. It was the front left. The one that peeled off. The left rear then seems to have folded under and doesn't have any twist to it.

So OP I think were all pretty much in agreement bout the jack situation. The brackets on the camper side are unimpressive to say the least. Here's a picture of mine.


outside rear

Box of new brackets when I removed the stable-lift a couple of years ago.

Lower attachment point on the rears.

I'm certainly not saying that your jacks needs are the same as mine because obviously I don't know. But all in all I think this was the problem whether front was too high, too low etc.... Don't let it get you down. Fixit and go camping. How about some pics of the inside, Did you remodel that part?
On my coachman Ranger which we bought from a friend I noticed one night the center of the cabover bed was sinking. The next morning I looked and with weight on it it was touching the roof of the cab. Completely rotted. That was back in my drinking days and didn't know how to do anything. Me and my dad fixed it and used for six more years.