Forum Discussion

jefe_4x4's avatar
Feb 26, 2018

Jefe's winter of discontent

The last time you heard from me was the end of last June when PhotoBucket thought of the unthinkable: They upped the 3rd party hosting from free to $299 a year in one, stupid, felled swoop. Well, most of us didn't go for that, but I'm thinking it was a ploy. Faux-toe Buck drew me back into the fold with their new $99 per year plan for forum posters; which doesn't apply to people with a profit motive. So, I bit, and will see if the pix come to pass on here; right now.the weird part was none of my posted pics came up with Pho-Buc's notice to pay up instead of a pic, and all were 3rd party hosted. It may be that my P-B site with my myriad hobbies has had over 700K hits; and I only used 25% of the capacity for the free storage. The puny snow @ Lake Tahoe 10 days ago:

Compare that with the winter of 2010:

There is not much to record on the TC front. A year ago, I got the Dodge/Lance lashup just the way I wanted it. In planning some extended tours, I had to deal with Jeanie's reluctance to drive the 6 speed manual any more. She has had a series of slicker and slicker Jeep Grand Cherokees that do everything but brush your teeth for you.
The first part of fall and winter on the West Slope, Northern Sierra Nevada has been dry and unseasonably warm. That's why all you in the central and eastern part of the U.S. have taken the cold and snowy brunt. That big, fat, persistent Eastern Pacific High bounced all the fronts up and over coming down on your heads. With other fish to fry, I contented myself with backing the TC out of it's shed into the sun where the solar panels would keep the batteries up, and then putting it back to bed when any piddly precip was on the horizon. Today, all that changed. We had a foot of snow and it looks like many more days of snow here @ 4K feet. I ran the snow blowers around cleaning up the lane to Hwy. 20, and especially the burm left by the CalTrans snow plows.

Here's a pic from 2008, when we were last @ Anza. This is near Dos Cabezas:

And the Pinion Mt. Jeep trail that same year:

An upcoming trip with my Bro John will be 10 days in Anza Borrego State Park in So. CA before and after Easter. We'll be taking pressure down for a week, doing all the jeep trails except the big drop off on the Pinion Mountain trail in the off-road equipped truck campers. We'll be taking our pop-up outdoor shower enclosure: kind of a tall, narrow Bedouin looking tent with no floor and a flap to bring in the outdoor shower wand.
So, lehmee noh if these pix actually open for you.
jefe, getting toward the end of my winter of discontent.