C Schomer wrote:
Yeh, the tire width of the pre 03s was narrower, 90-92 ". The springs were closer to the frame and the axles were shorter. It's been a long time since I measured one... IIRC the frame transitioned narrower right behind the cab allowing for the narrower design. I had a 75 Chev dually CxC that was 90".
I went to Woodhouse at Blair when the 03(?)6.7 CxC hit the lots. It was 94" wide. I've built several hauler beds and measured a lot of trucks. It wouldn't be a deal breaker but I'd like to start with a narrower CxC so I can use 8' material and have a little more tire clearance over the duals.
I've read that DEF has a shelf life of about 6 months. My 03 used to be my only vehicle (DD) but I got a Jeep GC 1 1/2 yrs ago for all my errands/commuting so to keep the miles off the truck until we can hit the road. 500 miles on the truck since last Apr., so the DEF shelf life has me worried. Maybe someone will come out with stabilizer for DEF!
From everything I've read about the 10+ CTDs, it looks like the DEF is worth putting up with to have a better truck but the local dealer has a list of guys who want 11-12 trucks as soon as they come in.
My 03 is a towing monster with all the mods and I swore I'd be buried in it but we've been having so much fun going off-road and staying out of the developed CGs, I could really use 4wd now. I'm starting to question my sanity... when it comes time to get more serious, I might change my mind. Craig
I'm not 100% sure about the trucks now but the cab and chassis trucks have always been narrower than the pick-ups as far as outside of tires on the drw trucks.