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dadmomh's avatar
Jul 26, 2013

Keep a good thought for us

Back in the day....when we bought our ROO HTT, we were really newbies and had not a clue about campgrounds, reservations and such. We just picked it up and I guess figured we'd just find the first campground, pull in and be set for the night. Had steaks, etc and a great bottle of wine to celebrate our new HTT. Saw a sign for a KY SP and turned onto this road that I swear was not as wide as the trailer - or so it seemed at the time. We were tired, it was getting dark and we'd had enough for the day....not to mention the steaks and wine. Drove for several miles on what seemed to be THE most twisty-windy road ever only to pull up to the gate and see the dreaded "Full" sign. Swore we'd never drive that road again....actually DH swore about a lot of things on that trip. Found an alternate to get us back to I-71 and away we went, sure that there was another CG just down the road. All the way to General Butler SP at Carrollton. Office was close since it was almost midnight, but our camping angel must have been on duty because the CG host was just making his rounds and told us they had one site left and we took it. Pitch dark outside, obvious why it was the last site, the trailer was 7 1/2 feet wide and this site was maybe a foot wider with trees on both sides. Bless his heart, the host and another camper helped DH back into that site - also VERY uphill slope. Forget the steaks and wine, we made a ham sandwich and called it a night. Didn't unhook or anything except plug in and hook up the water. But, we were at General Butler and in a site for the night.

Next trip to Ohio, we're happily driving along and when we made a stop, I went back to the ROO to use the bathroom and the water pump wouldn't come on. DH says the standard DH thing, "what do you mean it won't come on???". I really hate it when he does that. So he checks one thing and another and finds that the trailer battery has died a quiet death. Not to worry, we were almost to the CG, so we'd take care of it then. There is an Auto Zone at the exit for General Butler SP. $100+ later we pulled into our site.

DS#1 is being deployed to Iraq, so back to Ohio. Driving along on I-71 and the dash lights on the truck start acting crazy flashing. But we're still moving along and almost to the offramp. Back to the Auto Zone at the General Butler exit. $100 or so later we're into the worlds most uneven site, but we're there. DH is usually not in charge of the electric tongue jack - part of my job description - and he manages to jam the jack and blow the fuse. No problem, he has fuses.....for everything under the sun except that jack. Remembers we carry a power inverter and it happened to be the right fuse. It's getting dark and we're tired and hungry and he somehow blows that fuse. Wonderful neighbor comes over to offer help and he has fuses for everything.....except that jack. Auto Zone closes at 9:00, he can't unhook the truck in it's current state, so the nice neighbor drives him to Walmart, just across the street from AZ. He bought fuses for all occasions. Comes back and finds that the little tool to manually crank the jack is nowhere to be found, but they rigged up something, got it unhooked and thanked the nice man profusely for his kind help. Another nice quiet evening shot.

Haven't seen DS#1 since he returned and we're meeting this next weekend with our new TT - the HTT has a new home. General Butler is the best location for both of us, but I can't help but wonder if anything can possibly go wrong this time, so please keep a good thought for us. Makes me a bit nervous to get anywhere near Carrollton, KY.
  • Reservations already made and pre registration completed. Planning to pull out of here between 8 & 9AM. If nothing goes haywire, we should be in before dark, set up and dinner in the oven - DH is getting that frozen lasagna I couldn't pawn off on him last trip. Maybe glass #2 by then. Good old MapQuest says 6 hours, but that's not towing. So we hope to be in and sipping by 6PM......unless we have to make a stop at Auto Zone......again. Oh, please no! So looking forward to this trip.
  • I would make reservations and arrive before dark. That would eliminate some frustration. We always plan on arriving around 3pm. That allows us time to handle any potential problems that arise and if everything goes as planned, we will have the steaks on the grill and wine in the glasses by dinner time! Hope this trip goes well. Thank your son for his service to our country. Freedom isn't Free!!
  • Definitely not newbies any longer - this is the start of season #8 and now with our new TT. HTT got a wonderful and loving home, so everyone is happy.

    Even though his career background was manufacturing management, his brain does the engineer thing and maybe that's the problem. My brain says, "well, I flipped the switch and nothing happened, so let me try it again. Maybe again. OK, so better tell DH that it won't come on". Left brain/right brain/engineer brain.

    DS#1 is very excited about this visit, as we are. His life has not been in a good place since his return on Wounded Warrior. He is coming without DIL (a good thing) and without the 2 DGSs who are almost grown, but both have commitments (hate to miss seeing them, but later). Can't remember the number of years since we've just had a sit down and catch up with just the 3 of us. Our DS#1 will be home tending to the doggies and has baseball team. I planned menus that I thought he'd like, we texted back and forth all day. Finally he asked the big question - no, not the one about giving him more $, but "would you fix salmon patties for one meal?????" Not exactly standard camping food, but salmon patties it is for Saturday lunch. Think the last ones he had were abut 16 years ago when we kept DGS#1 while DGS#2 was coming into this world.

    His return on Wounded Warrior was not physical and maybe we're all finally ready for a quiet weekend just being. Also hoping that General Butler SP is not a jinx. Fingers crossed.
  • Francesca Knowles wrote:

    Honey, is that you?
    Sorry- couldn't help it...I'm married to an Engineer and he thinks in EXACTLY the same way as you.

    FYI to Husbands everywhere:
    What we mean when we say "it won't come on" is: "FIX this darn thing!!!!!!!" :B

    Oh we know that all right, but what would it hurt to ask for further details before we actually put down our beverage and shift our butts into fixit mode .... :)

    Besides you know how often I hear "oh wait now, I forgot to do this or that .... never mind".

    As we get older we realize it is often prudent to allow at least a little time to pass before "springing" into action, as it often resolves itself somehow .... :)
  • wmoses wrote:
    dadmonh - Love the post and the sense of humour. :)

    I bet this will be a great trip ... despite the DH. ;)

    As for the DH thing, "what do you mean it won't come on???" - I say the same thing when my wife makes the same comment as you do. In my case what I am looking for when I say that is a bit more information instead of just the bottom line / end result. Like, what did you do just before you noticed that it did not come one, and were there any noises or anything associated with the end result? :) Just trying to give some insight on how we men think (and as an engineer I like to know even more info up front, so that I can make a pre-diagnosis before I actually get to put hands on the problem). :)

    Honey, is that you?
    Sorry- couldn't help it...I'm married to an Engineer and he thinks in EXACTLY the same way as you.

    FYI to Husbands everywhere:
    What we mean when we say "it won't come on" is: "FIX this darn thing!!!!!!!" :B
  • By saying "Back in the day" you seem to infer that you were newbies a long time ago. But at the end of your story, I'm left to believe that you are only on your second or at most your third camping trip. Whatever it is, good luck....
  • dadmonh - Love the post and the sense of humour. :)

    I bet this will be a great trip ... despite the DH. ;)

    As for the DH thing, "what do you mean it won't come on???" - I say the same thing when my wife makes the same comment as you do. In my case what I am looking for when I say that is a bit more information instead of just the bottom line / end result. Like, what did you do just before you noticed that it did not come one, and were there any noises or anything associated with the end result? :) Just trying to give some insight on how we men think (and as an engineer I like to know even more info up front, so that I can make a pre-diagnosis before I actually get to put hands on the problem). :)
  • Good results come from good preparation.
    Try driveway camping to get familiar with systems and to make sure you have everything
    Good Luck, Mike