Forum Discussion

Nailknot85's avatar
Jun 21, 2017

Keystone Zepplin wiring diagram request

First post!

Been lurking the forum for a while, thanks to everyone here for all the great info. This time I couldn't find anything already posted so had to ask myself.

I need a wiring diagram for a 19 foot Keystone Zepplin 2006 model year IIRC. My fridge is not getting AC power at the fridge power panel connector from the trailer and I don't see a breaker or fuse dedicated to it on the trailer breaker panel.

Thanks in advance.
  • Hornnumb2 wrote:
    Check all the ground fault outlets.

    That was it! Thanks everyone. It was the GFCI outlet in the bathroom that was tripped, I never would have thought of it. Of course it had to be something simple like that.
  • I could be wrong but I thought the frig was on 12V not 120V? I think you should be looking for 12V DC power.
  • The fridge probably shares a breaker with other devices. I'd suggest to flip them all off and back on.
    Do you have a hand-held meter?
  • Frig could be on a bedroom breaker or other circuit. I certainly dont know them all but it seems common to see 120 volt breakers in the power center for Main, AC, Water heater, micro, bedrooms, living room.