Not much done this evening. Had some other projects that needed to be done and it was a long day at work! I did get a few more pieces glued and screwed in to place that I had cut last night but darkness fell and I couldn't see exactly where they needed to go. Placed a temporary brace across the front of the frame and test fit the old filon backing. It was off by about 1/8" but I can shim that where needed when I get the new FRP backing ready to go on. Tomorrow I will get the luan and FRP glued up and glued to the frame. Then it will be ready to rough cut the radius. I still haven't heard back from Lance Campers about whether they can ship me the filon I need without having to buy a full 4' x 8' sheet. Last time they were able to send me some "scraps" that were perfect.... lets hope their scrapping adventure pans out this time too!!.....:)
Will be back at it tomorrow night and will get more pictures as the work progresses......