Forum Discussion

ThreeEs_and_One's avatar
Nov 03, 2014

Latest Jayflight 32BHDSB Owner!

Hello all!

I've been lurking in the shadows reading posts and learning so much for a while but we finally bit the bullet and brought home our first TT yesterday. We bought a 2015 Jayflight 32BHDS(B). We spent all afternoon in it today familiarizing ourselves and making plans. Our first trip will be over Thanksgiving, heading outside of Kansas City to meet up with family. Although I'm not thrilled about the idea of using it one short trip then having to re-winterize it, I'm looking forward to it.

One question I do have for the forum regarding hitch height. The dealer set the hitch/WD up on DW's vehicle. I told the tech we'd be using both hers and mine and that mine sat higher than hers, he said no problem. So long as there wasn't more than an inch or two in height difference we'd be good. I measured today and we're at 1.5 inch difference. Is the tech correct? I can't drop the ball any more on my shank so it would require buying a new one. We are using the EAZ-Lift and from what I can tell we have the shank that offers most height/drop and its dropped already.

Thanks a lot for the help.
  • That TT puts the Expy over at least 3 ratings. Just set it up for the Megacab.

    TT should be level to slightly nose down. Front axle of the TV should be the same weight/height as unhitched.

    Congrats on the new RV!
  • My advice would be to only pull it with your 07 mega cab. I have the Springdale equivalent of your trailer, and loaded it will be over the expedition's towing capacity. Go back and have it properly adjusted to the 07. By the way congrats, and enjoy. We bought ours on Halloween last year and had to wait until spring to use ours. But it was well worth it and had a great time with it this past year.
  • texasclarks wrote:
    Congrats on the new TT. I would hook up and see if it looks about level (not too nose high) as well as distributes enough weight from the rear to the front wheels. What are the two different TVs?

    And pics would be nice!

    Thanks much! That's what I thought. My challenge is we're on a slight slope so I'd have to go someplace to see how it all measures out.

    We're pulling with an 11 Expedition (9,200#) and an 07 Mega Cab (10,400#)
  • One question I do have for the forum regarding hitch height. The dealer set the hitch/WD up on DW's vehicle. I told the tech we'd be using both hers and mine and that mine sat higher than hers, he said no problem. So long as there wasn't more than an inch or two in height difference we'd be good. I measured today and we're at 1.5 inch difference. Is the tech correct? I can't drop the ball any more on my shank so it would require buying a new one. We are using the EAZ-Lift and from what I can tell we have the shank that offers most height/drop and its dropped already.

    Congrats on the new trailer. It should sit/travel level.
  • Congrats on the new TT. I would hook up and see if it looks about level (not too nose high) as well as distributes enough weight from the rear to the front wheels. What are the two different TVs?

    And pics would be nice!