I would think with as many miles as you have on yours and they have good arc, your springs are "proven". I had a spring break with about 30,000 miles on our trailer. It was a right rear spring that broke 4" from the rear-most eye. The axle slid forward and the two tires started rubbing together and incinerating at about 60mph....pretty exciting time there for a few minutes, but I managed to get it off the road before things went catastrophic. That caused me to buy 4 new springs and up the spring capacity from 1750's to 2500's. I noticed two things about my springs; one, there was a very visible flaw in the manufacturing that caused the failure. two, the distance from the eye to the next leaf in the "spring pack" was about 6". On the new springs the distance from the eye is about 2". I like that better. Also, I did a ton of research and calling and as far as I can tell, there are no springs for trailers made in USA. You can have springs made, but it will be about $2000.00. All trailer springs are made in China or India. So I would say....since I think it is a gamble buying anything from China or India, If what you have is working, keep it til it starts to look iffy cause it's hard to be certain you'll get a good set of springs.