schlep1967 wrote:
Simple math to me. It takes less energy to heat 10 gallons of water up 5-8 degrees 10 times a day than it does to heat 10 gallons of water up 40 to 50 degrees 2 times a day. This is assuming the water only drops to the temp of the inside of the trailer. If you are actually using the warm water you are introducing cold water into the bottom of the tank. You will need to heat that up as much 60 to 70 degrees.
I believe we have a winner. Those of you who think you're saving energy by having to heat almost the entire 6 gals. when you need it are not considering the on time of the element or gas. If the water stays within the differential setting, it only runs for a bit then the thermostat shuts it off. It's the same reasoning they recommend lowering the thermostat only a few degrees in your house so you don't have so much time under load for your system, only short bursts. Generally speaking, that is more efficient that long runs to reheat the entire area from scratch. Same with a water heater.