Forum Discussion

Ed-N-Dani's avatar
Sep 19, 2016

Lettin it out

OK, next set of questions I have pertain to plumbing. I hooked the water up and found two leaks behind the toilet. One in the shut off valve and one in the flush device. I have decided to just replace the toilet since the seat has a minor crack as well. Unfortunately the wood under the toilet is bad as well, I'm thinking the roof vent leaking over the years caused this.

Now the questions I have are about the drains. Please see the attached pictures. There are two push pull gate type valves under the camper. There are also two gray tubes. I believe through some basic process of elimination that the smaller gate valve is for the "gray" water tank and the larger valve is for the waste water. I'm assuming the "stinky slinky" attaches to this drain and you can run it to the drain once parked if available. Now if there isn't one yet they allow the gray water on the ground then you can open that one and keep the poop valve closed. Now, here is where I'm really confused, what are the two gray drain tubes for? Also, do you have a rough idea of how much gray water and how many "poops" the tanks will hold? How long of a stinky slinky would you recommend and what type of support kit?

Last for now is the wood that is bad under the toilet. I'm not going to start replacing that until tomorrow and before I take it up is there anything I should be prepared for or watch out for?


  • K Mac wrote:
    Looks like you "licked your plumbing problem", nicely done.I'm also impressed with your "hide a key". First photo if you case you can't find them.

    Thanks K Mac, yea. I stuck the keys there the day I brought it home so I wouldn't loose them. LOL..I have so many keys on my ring now I couldn't add three more. I have this issue fixed but I still have the gray water leak to work on, I haven't even started on that other then to peek under the camper. As soon as weather breaks Im going to cut the bottom open hopefully this weekend and see whats what.

  • Looks like you "licked your plumbing problem", nicely done.I'm also impressed with your "hide a key". First photo if you case you can't find them.
  • Clarryhill wrote:
    Ed, Nice job. I've got one of those saws myself.

    Thank you, unfortunately getting the heater to work inst going so well.

  • Got a little further, its driving me nuts that its getting dark so early. Dont mind the funny shaped hole I cut, that's a special hole saw I own. ;)

  • Thanks AnEv942, I was thinking on my way into work this morning that they may be the winter drains for blowing out the lines. I did see two shut off valves inside the shed door.

    I started the icky job of the toilet today. Wood was destroyed. Most of the water damage on the camper came from the two $5.00 plumbing vents on the roof. The caps and parts of the flanges were completely destroyed. As you can see in the pictures there was nothing left of the wood.

    FYI...when pulling the flange from the floor. Where in a normal residential install the flange is simply screwed to the floor with a rubber collar that extend into the pipe, on a camper for a tight seal the flange is threaded into the tank. Makes sense now but for the two minutes or so that I was prying the hell out of it, it made no sense at all. I'm lucky the tank is flexible or I would be JB welding it.

    Thanks for the picture size tip. Got it!

    Kindest regards
  • What the heck is that a picture of doesn't look like a camper to me, looks like under a house haha
  • Your assumptions are correct, large valve is the black tank, small valve is the grey. What dumps into each tank can vary with different campers, and good to know. Since your up and open, close black tank valve, grey open, run water at sink(s), shower.

    The other 2 lines you mentioned I don't see. If they are small, 1/2-1"
    likely hot/cold water line low point drains.

    AS to emptying tanks, again your assumption correct as far as connecting sewer hose. Normally though if you have sewer hook ups, the black is left closed, dumped when needed, otherwise water runs out/solids can stay behind. The grey though, dumping directly on ground as mentioned most places is not allowed, certainly not at any campground. Don't. It can be left open when connected. Ive never used any supports, we rarely leave or have hose connected so cant recommend anything.
    Just using holding tanks, most dump the black then dump grey.

    Length of hose 15' 20', I carry 2. Many campground site-sewer connections are simple pipes stubbed up-you'll need an elbow/funnel to use.

    I use Valterra 2 piece with ell attached-only used the 'funnel' couple of times. Even at dump stations, Stick ell in sewer drain-rock to keep from coming out.

    Never pulled RV toilet, can't help with floor...Don't fall thru?

    unrelated-has anyone mentioned the max photo width?
    -640 recommended 800 max