The problem with AGM batteries is storing them for any time in a Partial State of Charge. They self discharge at a very slow rate compared to flooded, so if fully charged they will stay 95 or 90 percent for months. What you do not want to do is put them in storage at 80 percent. Or use it daily, running it down to 50 and then only charging to 80. Charge them completely before you store them, and if using them cyclicly, charge them fully every week or so. This well documented in marine use.
It is sometimes under appreciated how long a full charge takes. The battery will accept less and less current as it approaches full charge, and there is no short cutting the time it takes. The last 5 or 10 percent charge takes several hours. This is the part that, if neglected routinely, will kill AGMs. Solar is great for this because it can produce the low current - long time charge needed.
I have Lifeline batteries in my boat going on 10 years now. The first one I put in my camper lasted 11 years. But people do manage to kill them in a couple of years by mistreating them.
Bigfoot 10.4E, 2015 F350 6.7L DRW 2WD, Autoflex Ultra Air Ride rear suspension, Hellwig Bigwig sway bars front and rear