With a listed dry weight of 2,618 lbs. plus any optional equipment, ie.,: the on-board Generac 3.4 LP generator (approximately 100 lbs.), solar panel, a/c(??), awning(s)(??), the weight will add up fast. Then add another 500-800 ready to camp and you are in the realm of 3,500 lbs., all of which sits in the bed of the truck. Check your truck's door sticker for GVWR.
There have been some posts regarding repair of the wings over the years. If a search doesn't turn anything up, perhaps another member can provide additional info. I'm not a fan of Generac's LP High Impact generators. Mine was worked on twice while under warranty and is still problematic. Now discontinued, it's hard to find a competent Generac tech that knows his stuff. Independents give you a light chuckle and send you on your way. The LP genny is convenient for short runs. If you need ac at night for dry-camping, you'd better park next to a refill station.