B.O. Plenty wrote:
Passin Thru wrote:
Doubt you can find a kit as they fined companies making the computer programmers for it.I have an 06 Duramax, the last of the non DEF, would never buy one.DEF turns to Ammonia Crystals wehn heated and goes right to your lungs so you're just breathing it from the MH in front of you. Matter of time and the govt will say it causes cancer in Monkeys and sheep.
Regarding DEF, don't forget that every semi, diesel powered bus farm tractors and heavy equipment use DEF. It has been used in Europe as well for years. Does this mean we should stay away form all of those as well? I haven't seen any crystals coming out of my exhaust...
Someone is feeding you BS on the "amonia crystals" There is NO amonia of any kind that comes out the exhaust. the amonia (NH3) combines with the nitrogen oxides (NOX) to form N2 (the nitrogen that is 80% of the air we breath and H2O, the water we all need to live on. Doesn' sound at all dangerous to me.
The chemical reaction is designed and controlled to use less amonia than can be used so there is NO free amonia released into the atmosphere.
And, BTW amonia doesn' exist in any "crystaline form" under atmospheric pressure anyway. it is either absorbed into a liquid such as water, or as a gas. It takes high pressure and cold temperatures to get any crystaline form of amonia.
Urea is a more complex version of amonia, and there are secondary and tertiary reactions that take place, but you still start with Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen and end up with N2 and H20 (water).
BTW this has been done for years in stationary power plants, (gas, oil, coal) for many many years using either anhydrous amonia, amonia solution in water or urea to reduce emissions.