I used to post here a lot but not actually sure when I joined(Now I am, 2005). I seem to have absorbed most of the information I needed and provided a lot of information, some of which ended up in the TCU... but it's all gone.
I'm not sure what happened to it but my search for my posts turns up empty.
Open Roads Forum > Search the Forums
> Your search for posts made by 'BCSierra' found 0 matches.
Your search returned no results.
This forum was a solid daily source of information and entertainment until one day I found out that it had been culled and a ton of the old posts were gone. I then realized that this forum is a rolling stone of sorts, as it picks up new information, it sheds the old.
Prior to that, I had kind of thought I was contributing to a mass of knowledge.
I usually find that the posts are of a topic that I'd read before and so just ended up getting out of it.
I still like the format, the content, and as far as I know, the people.