54suds wrote:
loosing old members here ???? seem a lot are gone / going any particular reason personally I post way less because of less knowledge on newer campers AND because of sites horrible photo posting process ! whats your opinion /reasons for less participation ???
It's because we older drivers have been ursurped by younger owner/drivers with little or no experience, but who read an article somewhere on the "net" that now makes them the authority. I have been ambushed several times and why you don't see me posting as often.
I've got five million accident free miles as of last month. I used to spend many years pulling cars, pickups, big trucks and a few rv's from ditches and hung up on guardrails. I know what I'm talking about but recently I was pm'ed and told not to post this because I was out of touch.
Just recently my youngest decided rv'ing was not for her anymore and bought an old boat. Well she has lived in So America for 30 yrs. She knows the territory and lack of roads quite well. There's more water than roads. For her it was a wise decision. It made sense. Announcing here on the forums - you'd have thought she was a traitor. It was just her way of saying goodbye.
Well for me, I sold my sig rig yesterday and I'll be returning to my sailboat in Panama. So Robert Ryan you may be seeing this old cowboy down under sometime in the future.
But for now, goodbye and good luck.