3 tons wrote:
mkirsch wrote:
3TV wrote:
I've been around for 18 years now, but don't post as much now. The photo posting procedure is terrible. I don't know why this forum cant do it like every other forum on the internet?
Photos take space. Space costs money. Anybody here paying to access this site? Good Sam is the sole owner and sponsor of the forum so it would be coming out of their pocket.
So let me get this straight, RV net strategically opted to make posting a contorted nightmare deliberately to save money??.... Ha, I’d rate that excuse right up there with beliefs in Purple Unicorns - lol
3 tons, a proud resident of RealVille
The forum back-end for RV.net is ColdFusion based and ANCIENT, it's literally running on the same code back end that it was in 2003 and hasn't really changed since.
When the current version of the forum went live, the cloud didn't even really exist as we know it and Windows XP was the latest OS. Hosting cost a pretty premium and so did servers, so you had to minimize costs as much as possible.
So, RV.net, is still running the same way it did nearly 20 years ago on a design based around the internet as it was from nearly 20 years ago.
Most of the other forums that have stayed alive (iRV2 and a lot of other smaller RV related vBulletin based sites are all owned by the same folks now), are using an entirely different platform.