Forum Discussion

scottsnider's avatar
Explorer II
May 21, 2015

lubing the

Lubing the open and shut valves for the gray and black tanks, the valves seem to be sticking as they by the previous owner keeper them open when winter camping then closed up when in storage so they did not see much moving action. So how and with what should I lub them?
  • No WD40 on plastics. Use something like Pledge spray, works great on plastics.
  • A petroleum based lube (WD40 will likely not hurt ABS plastic but it will hurt rubber seals. A silicone i.e. Liquid Wrench Silicone Spray or a plumbers silicone grease.
  • nomad297 wrote:
    New valves.

    They are a snap to replace.


    Except if you have an enclosed underbelly.
  • mbopp wrote:
    nomad297 wrote:
    New valves.

    They are a snap to replace.


    Except if you have an enclosed underbelly.

    Very true.

  • pasusan wrote:
    While looking at Amazon for new dump valves I saw this:

    what do you do with that, give your sink shower and toilet a shot before your next dump?