DIY with the 'C' clamp method takes less than an hour for both fronts and also flushes the whole front system all the way to the MC reservoir
Mazda B2500, Ford Ranger is the same thing
Buddies K1500 Suburban...most all different OEMs are about the same
Leave in the old pads, Open the bleeder screw, put on a bleeder screw hose to catch jug, place 'C' clamp to compress the caliper...all the way and the fluid will come out the bleeder screw hose into the catch jug
Close the bleeder screw, loosen the 'C' clamp and pump the brake pedal till it is 'firm'. That has the fluid leave the MC reservoir and make sure to have a fresh/new bottle of brake fluid turned upside down into the MC NOT let it go dry...
Do that a couple times for each caliper and only have to compress it a 3rd or 4th time, but this time take out the old pads and put in the new pads...
Tried several different brands of ceramic NOT like them. Good old high performance HD much better
This shows the out-gas slot and anti-squeal backing shim