There are very fine wineries all over the west side of Michigan from Petoskey south to the Indiana border and most all have wine tasting places. We have 3 right here where we live and there's dozens in the Traverse City area. One wine we really like that you can't hardly get anywhere else is REAL 100% cherry wine, Not flavored or blended but 100% made with only cherries. Montmorency Red cherries or dark sweet cherries.
The wineries in Michigan make so many different fruit wines as all kinds of fruit grows well in Michigan thanks to Lake Michigan's extreme temperature dampening temperate climate and rich well drained soils except no citrus fruits. Very little to no clay content in the deep soil along Lake Michigan and very like rock either, One reason that giant Gerber Baby foods and Kelloggs was founded and is and always been in West Michigan. Tremendous blueberry and apple production. The blueberries grow big here unlike what we've seen the tiny ones coming out of Jersey.
The Detroit side/east side of the state is mostly automotive and union industry dependent while the west side is very diversified with lots of office furniture, agriculture/fruit, tourism, recreation/water sports, medical entities and research operations, pharmaceutical plants, and higher education schools. the Grand Rapids metro area alone has 14 colleges and universities and is home to so many very large national corporations. Here and in the Grand Rapids area of well over one million population, our unemployment stays at 3% or less and that's very important for area economics and low poverty rates and it sure shows! Very different than the east side of the state numbers the news entities bloviate.
Michigan is like 3 very different states. The east side, the west side, and the U.P. You might notice where we choose to live and where we RV to so often?