Lwiddis wrote:
“and the little shake session the TC experienced I am glad there is a roof over the camper and a solid foundation under it.”
SoCal people don’t notice much unless the quake hits 5.0. What was your number?
Well below your number. I didn't even know we had an earthquake until it was reported on local news. I didn't see TC shaking, just assumed it felt the effects of the minor quake. I did see the heavy snow that came and weighted everything not under a roof with lots of white stuff.
I was in SoCal during the quake of 1970 - 1971 erra. Not sure of the exact dates, just know I was out that way serving in the military when it happened.
Just like we have 'black fly' season around here, folks have 'quakes' in your area. We don't like them, but become accustomed to them. If you experienced even a few 'black flies' buzzing around your head and getting into your nostrils, you would become concerned. What little quake that was reported for us is concerning because we seldom experience them, let alone feel the effects of them.
I guess the concern is, if we had a little quake, is a bigger one coming? I know the answer to the 'black fly' issue. If you see and feel a few of them around you, very soon you will have hundreds buzzing around. After 'black fly' season we experience mosquito hatch, than deer fly hatch, no see um hatch, and moose fly hatch.
Be safe.