Forum Discussion

MikeCrash's avatar
Oct 13, 2023

Motor Cross Reference

I have used google with no avail--comes up with a different number. Anybody with some searching skills--motor #k012858500.. I would post pics if it would let me...
  • Doing some digging and found Klauber RV Slide Out Motor K01285N500 (Lippert 130057)

    Has all the same specs as the original motor, just the shaft's setup is different.
  • enblethen wrote:
    I see Lippert has upgraded or changed their motors. Some look as though they could be direct replacement. Have you called Lippert to see if part number has been updated. Prices on their website are high but maybe elsewhere.
    Lippert drive motors

    Lippert was the first place I went and they could do nothing, contacted the original name on the motor which led me to CSH which was able to cross the number to the motor number... And the K01285B500 motor number does not cross to anything Lippert.
  • I see Lippert has upgraded or changed their motors. Some look as though they could be direct replacement. Have you called Lippert to see if part number has been updated. Prices on their website are high but maybe elsewhere.
    Lippert drive motors
  • enblethen wrote:
    Is this what you are looking for? Note motor number has a B and not an *.


    Its funny because I just went thru 3 different places and they said the same number--thank you..

    Unfortunately they are out of stock until Jan and priced under $600--so not to bad.

    But got the specs for the motor
    12v 7amp
    10 Rpm
    250lbs Torqu
    5/8" drive shaft

    So thinking and seeing what else is out there that meets those specs