Amen to this. I look at various dealers on line for my particular trailer, Koala 21CS, even now. I've seen as much as 7-8K difference in each dealer's "MSRP" for this trailer. In other words, at some dealers, a 30% off "MSRP" would result in paying more for the same trailer that 25% off "MSRP" would at a different dealer.
The RV world is almost unregulated. If you do not do a lot of research before hand, the dealer can definitely gig you.
westend wrote:
There's nothing hard and fast about MSRP or dealer invoicing. You need to become your own horse trader.
I notice the advocates for buying new trailers always buy new so are assuming there will be problems with a used trailer. I would assume that a previous owner chose to do diligent maintenance to preserve the value and worked out any major issues during the warranty period. RV's are just like cars, they're only new until driven off the lot. After that, they're all used.