transamz9 wrote:
I don't want this to sound bad or like I'm aiming this to the OP and by law this was the water truck operators fault but it looks like this was a classic example of riding in a big trucks blind spot. See it every day. If you can't see the driver of the big truck then you need to assume that he can't see you. Also, did the original OP's truck not have brakes? Like stated in another post , going WAY too fast for a construction zone.
Sorry, but this could have been avoided.
you may want to reread the o/p he stated the truck jumped out from behind the divider cones from the construction side..there for the water truck driver was at fault.. i too am wondering about the speed in mich that would be a doubled fine for exceeded the speed limit in construction zone..i hope the insurance company spec'ed a new wheel and tire