I agree, bring back the 55 max or a max of 60 on Interstates only and ENFORCE it very strongly with high fines and points which will drastically increase insurance premeiums for violators and even a loss of their license. Increased pullovers will also aid in catching DUI drivers and drug users and the wanted by the law subjects. Double all fines and points for texting while driving too. Less accidents and fuel savings for nearly everyone. ALL vehicles traveling at the same speed means so many fewer rear-enders and lost of control accidents.
Driving while license revoked should mean an instant immediate automatic 30 day jail sentence and then appear before the court before release for the first offense and automatic 6 months for the second offense and a 2 year licnese suspension minimum if no accident was involved. It's called: Do not pass go and go directly to jail and rolling the dice again won't help you!
Long past time to help give some commonsense protection to innocent drivers and their families that are constantly being slaughtered by speeders, texters, drunks, druggies, and other criminals on the roadways.