Although I had an identical incident involving a large dump truck running a red light, as I was just a couple feet from rolling into the intersection, the trucks are not by biggest fear. Instead, I'm mostly concerned with the HUGE number of the distracted drivers on cell phones, ipods and other electronic devices - primarily because I have close encounters with such drivers on almost a daily basis (and they are in 4 wheel vehicles, not 18).
Texting is a major problem, but the distraction caused by talking on a cell phone while driving, is just as bad. The effects of talking on a cell phone while driving, is almost identical to drunk driving - slow starts, fast stops, swerving in the lane, running red lights (as a pedestrian, I came within a foot of being run over by someone, as they blew through a red light while chatting on a cell phone!), lacking use of turn signals, etc.
Lately, I've been running across many people driving at extremely slow speeds, on the freeway, while they're on the phone (by slow, I mean going 50mph on a 65mph freeway!) Yes, speeding may be risky, but so is impeding the normal flow of traffic.
If you question the effect cell phones have on one's attention and reactions, I challenge you to pay close attention to the next few cell users you encounter in the grocery store, or shopping center You'll likely find they're oblivious to their surroundings. See for yourself.