valhalla360 wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
Well, generally speaking you're probably in the minority. Most people probably drive much less than 300 miles in a day on average. But, in reality, electric vehicles are still mostly a niche market, with commuter and urban vehicles mostly making up the numbers.
Just got back from a one day 851 miles drive. The week before 632 miles in a day. So not convenient for some to go electric. When I get fuel I grab a sandwich & drink and use the restroom and back on the road in less then 10 minutes.
We spent the winter going from Michigan to Utah to S. Cal to South Texas to Florida to Michigan.
We had all of one day in excess of 250 miles.
Neither you nor I are typical.
Yep. That's how normal people travel. Rushing to get somewhere 1,000 miles away is senseless. 250 miles is plenty. Even if you drove 500 miles a day, you only need 2-20 minute fast charges.