noteven wrote:
Tesla Model 3 towing 26ft Airstream
Follow up video during a 500 mile in a day trip
Weve seen them tow stuff. Its the recharging part thats the limiting factor. Canada has a lot of charging stations. And if you watch the video, he charges at one that empty. If it wasnt, he would not even be able to charge without unhooking. Look for the vid of the guy that atually took it camping. He made it but it was a pain for him to find charging stations, and he had to unhook a few times to do it. Plus the range wasnt that great. Even in your vid , you state that if it wasnt an airstream i wouldnt get the millage. So, there is that also. Right now towing with ellectric isnt there for me. Imagine getting stuck at a campground and the power goes out? Now your stuck. This may happen more and more untill they improve the electric grid.