Forum Discussion

astraelraen's avatar
Oct 23, 2017

New Jayco Whitehawk seals

Picked up a new 2017 closeout Whitehawk from a dealer over the weekend. Was looking at it in my driveway and noticed the following oversights in whatever PDI the dealer did when I was not there. In full disclosure, I did not look on the roof at the dealer when we did the walk through.

Corner bad caulk

Sunroof obvious hole

Rear roof, looks like a gaping problem to me, is the roof even sealed here?

Diamond plate, cant tell if there is sealant here. Should there be?

Going back to the dealer with pics this week sometime.
  • Ralph Cramden wrote:

    Why were you not at the PDI,the roof should have been the first thing you looked at? Trusting a dealer to do the PDI.....not a good idea.

    Welcome to RV manufacturing in 2017. My 2017 Rockwood Roo had numerous roof caulking issues which I found before the purchase.

    You could fix all those issues yourself and save the aggravation with about $20 of material. Some solvent and a tube of lap sealant for the roof, a tube of clear or black caulk for the Diamond Plate trim.

    They did not give me an option to be at the PDI. I got a pickup/walkthrough time slot and that was it. I probably could have pushed it but I didn't.
  • I stopped by the dealer and told them I would do it myself and they gave me a free tube of caulk.

    I will probably buy a roll of Eternabond and redo all the seals. Last trailer (that we bought used) died from a water leak in the back corner. I couldn't find any obvious signs of leaks but there was obviously one somewhere! I'll be a lot more anal with this one.

    I showed the dealer the pic of the rear roof seal. They said it didn't look like a problem but since it is new and under warranty I should probably bring it back and let them inspect. Everything looks sealed up with the exception of the part that the sealant failed and I can't tell where any water intrusion would have happened without actually pulling the entire black piece off and pulling up the roof membrane... which I'm not going to do on a new unit.

    Interestingly enough it looks like plain clear silicon caulk that they used at that junction. Haven't decided if I will just recaulk it or take it down the dealer for them to inspect. Would hate to recaulk it and then some problem comes up later in the life.
  • TurnThePage wrote:
    Agree that you could fix those yourself easiest of all. I'm not sure that spot on the diamond plate needs to be sealed. Eternabond is in your future. :)

    I'd seal up the top edge of the term bar at the diamond plate. No telling if they used any butyl tape behind it. The screws holding it on will stop water until they rust. I would pull the screws also, inject some caulk into the hole, and reinstall.
  • You may as well invest in the materials needed to remedy these minor issues anyway, checking caulking/sealant on any RV should be done at least twice a year. I personally fixed all the little issues our rig had and dealer had no problem supplying needed materials under warranty. I know I will do a much better job and won't have to truck it over to dealer service department and wait who knows how long to get it back. Hope you have many wonderful times in your new Jayco!!!
  • Agree that you could fix those yourself easiest of all. I'm not sure that spot on the diamond plate needs to be sealed. Eternabond is in your future. :)
  • astraelraen wrote:
    Picked up a new 2017 closeout Whitehawk from a dealer over the weekend. Was looking at it in my driveway and noticed the following oversights in whatever PDI the dealer did when I was not there. In full disclosure, I did not look on the roof at the dealer when we did the walk through.

    Corner bad caulk

    Sure is.....

    Sunroof obvious hole


    Rear roof, looks like a gaping problem to me, is the roof even sealed here?

    Typically they leave the roof membrane long and screw the edge molding over it, then take a razor knife and cut the membrane off at the bottom of the trim. In theory any water that gets in between membrane and trim would run out the bottom. That is until it makes its way to one of the screws holding the trim on.

    Diamond plate, cant tell if there is sealant here. Should there be?


    Going back to the dealer with pics this week sometime.

    Why were you not at the PDI,the roof should have been the first thing you looked at? Trusting a dealer to do the PDI.....not a good idea.

    Welcome to RV manufacturing in 2017. My 2017 Rockwood Roo had numerous roof caulking issues which I found before the purchase.

    You could fix all those issues yourself and save the aggravation with about $20 of material. Some solvent and a tube of lap sealant for the roof, a tube of clear or black caulk for the Diamond Plate trim.
  • Mfg.'s push them out the door and leave it up to the dealers to correct the problems. It would be nice if the dealer would at least make an attempt at doing that, some do...some don't.