Forum Discussion

JesterX's avatar
Oct 20, 2013

New member here in Oregon

Hello all, I have been shopping for an inexpensive camper for me and the boy to use for dirt bike and hunting trips, as well as family outings. I found a 1977 Trave L Mate sitting in a barn for $500. Couldn't pass it up. Just brought it home today.
So far my daughter and I have;
cleaned interior, all light covers and cabinets, even the cube of butter that was left in the frig. NASTY!!!!
Checked all the appliances to make sure they all work properly.
Got all the marker lights working. Only found one bulb out. The rest just needed the ground wire cleaned.
Cleaned all the exterior light covers in soap and water.

I'm STOKED! I finally have a camper again! I have had two trailers and now our second camper.

Now for my question. Does anyone know of a website that has info on these campers. I am coming up empty handed. I would like to have a wiring schematic for it.
Also, this one has no bathroom. Just a closet were it was suppose to be. The original owner ordered it without a bathroom. I was thinking of finding the parts and doing it myself. I know it wont be too fun, but, that's ok, Momma wants a potty.

Thank for any help
  • JesterX

    Welcome!! Glad you understand the basic rules of life "If Momma Wants a Potty - Momma gets a potty - 'cause if Momma ain't happy.. ain't NO BODY HAPPY!"...lolol

    We personally enjoy WISE Aaaaa.. Wise fire
  • Thanks to everyone who is helping me find answers. I am no stranger to forums and the answers that come with such a large community. I have grown some pretty thick skin and take all answers in stride. Just keep in mind, I am kind of a smart@$$ at times. So hopefully I don't offend anyone with my responses.

    I am by no means a cheap skate, BUT, I found a hole in the roof that is going to have to be patched with some aluminum from the garage. I made a beautiful patch that just needs to be riveted down and sealed well.Don't panic kids, I WILL NOT USE SILICONE. I am looking into the product from
    I want to install new roof vents at the same time.

  • Jester,
    Welcome here. This is an eclectic bunch with a lot different slants on how to proceed. In a few months it will be 10 years since I wandered on here asking a lot of questions and getting a lot of answers, many contradicting each other. But i did learn.
    It amazes me how many still wander on to the Truck Camper Forum and talk about a pull-behind tent trailer on wheel barrow tires. 8<)
    I would hope in the future we can have a designation that everyone might understand.
  • This is truck camper. Load range E tires and just did the brakes and wheel bearings two months ago. ;)

  • Two things. Don't go overboard on costs. You will never get it back.
    And get new tires, pull the drums and repack the bearings and inspect the brakes.
  • You won't find a wiring schematic.......especially on that age of camper.

    That camper was made by Travel Equipment Corporation (T.E.C.)
    They were in Goshen, IN.
    They made Lark, Camper Mate & Travel Mate.

    A cassette toilet would be ideal for that camper.
    Thetford has several cassette models
  • Oh, I just used a knife and scraped off all the mold and put it in a fresh bed of waxed paper. The camper was last registered in '97, so it's not that old.

    Had my daughter go get a zip lock bag and went to work. Dang that thing stunk! Used bleach and water to clean the inside of the frig. I'll pick up a box of baking soda for it tomorrow.
  • Congrats on your find. How did you clean the cube of butter?