When your shocks wear out its a gradual thing until one day you find your vehicle bouncing for a half a mile after hitting an overpass.
At that point any new shock is going to be an improvement.
Too bad there's not a way to try 2-3 different brands for a few hundred miles each so you could see if there really is a difference.
I see this all the time in the ATV tire world.
The factory tires are as cheap of a tire as they can find to keep cost and weight down. Then people buy their first set of tires and think they are the greatest tire in the world even though they have never experienced any other tires.
I don't care for the most popular ATV tire out there.
But then I've been able to test 7-8 different tires for about 200 miles each. So I got to experience different tires under the same conditions and the difference between them became obvious.
If we could do this with shocks maybe some folks would change their minds in what they think are the best.
I did as much research as I could and bought what I felt would be the best for me.