Thanks for the advice folks. I decided to wait until Monday to take it into the dealership so I can talk with the service manager. I was able to use a couple fans and get things dried out. Interestingly enough it dried out over night while it was raining. But this time the slide was out. Seems like the main leak at least slows down if not stops when the slide is extended.
I hate to be too demanding but the carpet is stained now so I guess I will have them replace it. This will also force them to get underneath and ensure that everything is dry down below.
Another question though: if the leak is near the roof section, the water would have to leak in and drain through the length of the wall. Is it even possible to get in there and dry that out? Of do you just kind of hope for the best as far as delamination in the future?
Eternabond seems like a good idea along some of the major seems.