Forum Discussion

Rscconrad's avatar
Apr 24, 2021

New wet dry bath concept

Check out this video at the 11:03 mark.

A brilliant concept by Winnebago in their 2022 ekko.

This may be old news but I have never seen this. We need this option in truck campers. I would love it.

  • ummmmm...

    The wall swivles, the toilet swivles...

    Why not just make the sink swivel over to the window so there is room for the shower? Then you would have access to the sink while you shower and to the toilet while you shower , in case you want to take a wet dodoo in the middle of shower time.

    Wet TP is always an issue when wet-dodooing, but thats what soap is for, right?
  • That salesman/spokesperson isn’t going to fit in that wet bath. And you’ll still need to wipe up after showering.
  • The swinging sink is concept popular on the boats. I have it in my Sprinter conversion, although with dry bath.
    Did you notice the guy never enter the bathroom? That would be interesting picture after seeing him passing the main door sideway.
  • Way cool. Neat idea. :C

    My first RV was a TT with a nice bathroom. I never wanted a wet bath.

    Then I got my first TC and it had a wet bath. :E

    I have an extra hand towel in the shower to wipe down the toilet after I shower. It takes two seconds and for me its no big deal.
  • For a base price of $163,662 you should indeed get some nice features. I can accomplish roughly the same thing with an extra shower curtain covering the toilet area. I would rather not have the extra weight of a moving hard sided wall. In fact weight seems to be an issue for this unit. It really needed DRW to handle the weight to be able to use those massive storage compartments. I bet most of the users end up overloading the rear axle/tires.